Monday 27 December 2021


The volunteers and other patrons here are preparing for the year ahead.

Everything remains clean and fresh, as usual.

If you intend to join any of the activities here in 2022, how will you prepare for that privilege?

Monday 20 December 2021

Next Year Here

If you are hoping to experience next year here in Frugality Cottage, please ensure you are registered in time as one of the patrons.

What have you already discovered about the cottage and visitors?

What have you already discovered about the cottage and patronage?

What have you already discovered about the cottage and volunteering?

What do you already know about the culture associated with this location?

Perhaps you are yet to be aware that the work here is devoted to intelligent frugality.  It involves cultural practices in keeping with respectable and responsible affluence, not impoverishment.

The culture and community here supports good health, in all its aspects. 

Historically cottages, by their very nature, were not built or decorated by design but evolved with their environment, and with changes in cultural practices.

Except in times of war, famine, epidemics and other disasters, for many centuries, most changes in most people's lives were relatively slow and predictable in comparison to those of the last fifty years.

You may consider cottages, including virtual ones, to be part of the cultural heritage of a community and/or region, reminding people of a comforting continuity with the past.

How well acquainted are you with various economic systems and other cultural systems in relation to peace and conflict? 

How do you prefer to explore the history of cultures, including emerging cultures, and why?

What do you know about cultural analytics, and how do you know it?

In different cultures, comfort is more or less associated with social experiences, depending on the context.

How would you describe a comfortable culture, from your own point of view?

How would you describe an uncomfortable cultural experience, and the associated emotions?

How do you ascertain whether a practice is appropriate and therefore adequately sensitive to needs and rights? 

How global is your attitude towards cultural practices?

What do you know about the cottage and time?

What do you know about the cottage and crafts?

Frugality Cottage exists within the Adelaidezone.

More specifically, Frugality Cottage exists as a small, ethereal, vernacular structure of unique and irreplaceable, intangible cultural heritage.  It is metaphorically located within a large virtual garden of sustainability, next to the Social Media Quadrangle in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter. 

How do you define existence?

How do you define Adelaide

What, if anything, do you own in relation to the Adelaidezone?

How do you usually assess matters in relation to ownership, and a lack of ownership?

Are you wondering whether it is worth your while spending time in the sitting room here over the next few minutes or hours or days or weeks or months or years?

Perhaps you are seeking to enter the kitchens.

What will you be seeking to know here next year, and why?

Monday 13 December 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 50

Welcome to the final episode in this series.  Will it be grand, in your view, or quite plain and ordinary?

Will it provide an overview of the entire series and/or a surprising conclusion?

Will it include a progress report?

Will it present something to entice the patrons to want more?

Perhaps you have been expressing your authenticity this year mainly through your practical skills and/or social skills.

How do you intend to express it next year?

What have you been learning about yourself this year through the practice of various crafts?

Perhaps you have been learning about yourself mainly through gardening, cooking and possibly even through home renovations, or building a home.


How have you been learning about your interpersonal relationships this year, and what have you discovered about reality along the way?

What have you discovered about refreshing possibilities, and how?

Monday 6 December 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 49

Welcome to the penultimate episode in this series.

The patrons are looking forward to experiencing your contributions.

When will those contributions happen, and where?

Perhaps all your episodes in this series are still in the pre-production phase.

Perhaps you are still wondering how best to express yourself authentically.

How has your home environment of the past year compared to your experiences here at Frugality Cottage?

Which of those experiences have you regarded as most authentically reflecting the real you?

What did you learn in and through the cottage last year to prepare you for this year?

And how are you already preparing for next year?

Do you usually associate authenticity with preparations or are you a more impulsive and haphazard sort of person?

Perhaps you have mainly had a focus on authenticity in relation to sustainability, and/or creativity, and/or kindness, and/or competence.


How have you attempted to fund each episode in your creative production, and how sustainably and successfully?

Whose money have you been using for each pre-production and production process?

Perhaps you have produced poetry and/or music in a podcast to express your authenticity.  But how much of your life is really and truly authentic, and suitably consistent?

Perhaps you have produced a blog or website or gallery exhibition of your photography to express your authenticity.  But does it truly show the everyday experience of being you?

Perhaps you have produced a play or film or vlog reflecting your experiences of authentic living.  But is that really an expression of naturalism rather than authenticity? 

How does the editing process affect the authentic expression of living creatively, sustainably, kindly and/or competently?


Have you ever associated authenticity with reality television?

Have you ever associated authenticity with income-earning activities or do you mainly think of authenticity in relation to non-income earning activities?

What is authentic about your real life, and how do you convey that authenticity through a series of shared insights?

Perhaps you do so with a slice of life approach, or not as the case may be.

Do you associate authentic living with vignettes or epics?

You may regard your authenticity as expressing a particular mood, or many moods.



When has your authenticity clashed with other people's beliefs, particularly in relation to political matters and other controversies?

Perhaps you would rather express your authenticity by ignoring conflicts rather than highlighting them.