Monday 6 December 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 49

Welcome to the penultimate episode in this series.

The patrons are looking forward to experiencing your contributions.

When will those contributions happen, and where?

Perhaps all your episodes in this series are still in the pre-production phase.

Perhaps you are still wondering how best to express yourself authentically.

How has your home environment of the past year compared to your experiences here at Frugality Cottage?

Which of those experiences have you regarded as most authentically reflecting the real you?

What did you learn in and through the cottage last year to prepare you for this year?

And how are you already preparing for next year?

Do you usually associate authenticity with preparations or are you a more impulsive and haphazard sort of person?

Perhaps you have mainly had a focus on authenticity in relation to sustainability, and/or creativity, and/or kindness, and/or competence.


How have you attempted to fund each episode in your creative production, and how sustainably and successfully?

Whose money have you been using for each pre-production and production process?

Perhaps you have produced poetry and/or music in a podcast to express your authenticity.  But how much of your life is really and truly authentic, and suitably consistent?

Perhaps you have produced a blog or website or gallery exhibition of your photography to express your authenticity.  But does it truly show the everyday experience of being you?

Perhaps you have produced a play or film or vlog reflecting your experiences of authentic living.  But is that really an expression of naturalism rather than authenticity? 

How does the editing process affect the authentic expression of living creatively, sustainably, kindly and/or competently?


Have you ever associated authenticity with reality television?

Have you ever associated authenticity with income-earning activities or do you mainly think of authenticity in relation to non-income earning activities?

What is authentic about your real life, and how do you convey that authenticity through a series of shared insights?

Perhaps you do so with a slice of life approach, or not as the case may be.

Do you associate authentic living with vignettes or epics?

You may regard your authenticity as expressing a particular mood, or many moods.



When has your authenticity clashed with other people's beliefs, particularly in relation to political matters and other controversies?

Perhaps you would rather express your authenticity by ignoring conflicts rather than highlighting them.