Welcome to the final episode in this series. Will it be grand, in your view, or quite plain and ordinary?
Will it provide an overview of the entire series and/or a surprising conclusion?
Will it include a progress report?
Will it present something to entice the patrons to want more?
Perhaps you have been expressing your authenticity this year mainly through your practical skills and/or social skills.
How do you intend to express it next year?
What have you been learning about yourself this year through the practice of various crafts?
Perhaps you have been learning about yourself mainly through gardening, cooking and possibly even through home renovations, or building a home.
- The Cottage and Cookery - Part One
- The Cottage and Cookery - Part Two
- The Cottage and Cookery - Part Three
- The Cottage and Cookery - Part Four
How have you been learning about your interpersonal relationships this year, and what have you discovered about reality along the way?
What have you discovered about refreshing possibilities, and how?