
You may already be aware that research is the most important initial skill when seeking to learn a craft or technique or fact in the 21st century.

There are many different crafts already in existence.

You may be interested in learning various techniques of various usefulness in relation to making and doing.

If you are seeking mainly to make money from a craft, or you already do so, why do you need money as a consequence of that pursuit?

All the refreshments here are produced and presented with a high level of skill.

There is no mass catering here.  There is no mass production here.

Do you already know how to make do and mend?

You may be seeking to participate in a group activity rather that a solitary one.

Or you may prefer practicing crafts alone.

Some craft activities can be noisy, as can some arts activities.

Some craft activities can be smelly, as can some arts activities.

How do you usually think about consideration in relation to crafts?

You may be aware that several types of vehicles are known as crafts, including spacecraft and hovercraft.

Frugality Cottage does not have the space for making such crafts.

Do you make musical instruments or theatrical costumes or wigs or apply make-up to performers, possibly including political ones?

Quite a few crafts mainly require dexterity of the hands and fingers.  Other crafts mainly require dexterity of the mind.  Male politicians, in particular, tend to become muddled up about such matters.

Are you aware of the etymology of the word 'craft' and its many current and former meanings?

Just as there are many different therapies of varying usefulness, there are also many different crafts of varying usefulness.

You may be mostly interested in the textile arts.

You may be mostly interested in the culinary arts.

You may be mostly interested in the healing arts.

Competitiveness is certainly not encouraged here, and nor is trade.

Practicing a craft is a form of behaviour.  It involves actions.

You may associate crafts with the transformation of materials from one form to another through the use of skill.

In fact, that may be how you define the subject of craftwork.

Yet crafts, like arts, are meant to transform minds even more than materials.

You may wish to learn about learning techniques, such as mnemonics.

The mnemonic CRAFT is used in civil aviation, as you will know if you have ever piloted an aircraft.

Crafts are often regarded as part of the visual arts yet some crafts, like some performing arts, can be practiced by vision impaired people and blind people.  

Do you know much about statecraft

Are you involved in stagecraft?

Activities are either a means to an end or an end in themselves, depending on the point of view of the individual performing a particular action.

You may currently be more interested in teaching a craft than practicing it as often as you once did.

Some crafts are mainly used for decorative purposes rather than as useful arts.

What is your interest, if any, in the decorative arts and fine arts?

What is your interest, if any, in the 19th century Arts and Crafts movement?

You may produce craftwork through the performing arts or even as performance art.

If you are seeking simple instructions on how to learn a particular craft, then Frugality Cottage is probably not the place to experience those instructions.

The official community here is for appropriately registered patrons only, as you will already be aware.

Perhaps you consider patronage to be an art rather than a craft.

You may be, or may have been, a tradesperson, and possibly even a highly skilled and/or suitably personable one.

Regardless of your current or former occupational status, do you consider the quality of a piece of work to be mainly associated with knowledge, talent, conscientiousness, good tools, good materials or competitiveness?

You may already consider yourself to be an artisan and/or artist of some sort.

You may be involved in the applied arts.

You may mainly be interested in studio craft.

If you wish to learn about craft brewing, please note that there is no alcohol permitted here, except for cleaning purposes.

You may be interested in performance-related dexterity even more so than craft-related dexterity.  Obviously, remaining sober is a very good idea when attempting to retain any sort of dexterity.

You may be more interested in aesthetics as a subject than in physically making beautiful objects, or purchasing them, or attempting to sell them.

Intelligent frugality is a much higher artform than most.

Perhaps you do not consider intelligent frugality to be an artform at all.

You may have a preference for handicrafts, possibly including folk art.  

Even if you currently live in a city or town, how would you describe your accomplishments in rural crafts and associated practices?

Even if you currently live in a rural area, how would you describe your accomplishments in urban crafts?

Regardless of where you are currently situated in the world, what is an urban craft from your point of view?

You may mainly be interested in the folk arts of various societies.

You may be more interested in the conceptual aspects of crafts even more than the physical aspects, including in relation to folk art practices

How do you relate conceptual crafts to conceptual art?

You may mainly be interested in the satisfaction associated with do-it-yourself activities.

Do you have a DIY ethic?

If you produce anything for people other than yourself, why do you do so?

While craft production methods are usually satisfying for hobbyists, that may not necessarily be the case when working as a craftsperson for a businessperson.

Perhaps you mainly require guidance on how to interpret and follow an instruction manual.

You may even have some experience as an instructor.

Are you a participant in maker culture?

While the arts can often be competitive, especially when associated with trade, so can crafts and other practices.

What do you know about the psychology of competence

What do you know about economic history in relation to crafts?  

What do you know about the history of the area you currently inhabit, including its natural history?

What do you know about your family history and the crafts, trades, arts and research performed by your ancestors?

Regardless of whether you have mostly been employed in manual labour or as a professional or in another form of occupation, you may enjoy spending your leisure hours perfecting a craft.

What does perfection mean to you in relation to crafts, arts and activities more generally?

Perhaps you are a perfectionist.

Historically, in Europe, the practice of a craft was controlled economically and politically through guilds.  Even practicing the fine arts was associated with craft guilds, such as the Guild of Saint Luke.

Women were often excluded, at least officially, which is why the guilds were usually run by master craftsmen rather than mistress craftswomen.

The practice of Freemasonry continues to be called the Craft by its practitioners.  Their activities appear mainly to involve ritual and symbolism rather than skill.

You may practice the skilled craft of stonemasonry.

You may even enjoy bricklaying or bricolage as a hobby.

Do you consider beekeeping to be a craft or another form of skill? 

Making beehives has long been a useful craft.

Safely collecting honey is certainly a skilled activity.

Are you familiar with mythology about bees, including beliefs about Aristaeus in ancient Greece?

Learning any skill requires practice.

Do you spin or weave or sew or knit or crochet or write introductory texts or record images?

Do you make Dadaesque heritage videos featuring your peasant ancestors' handiwork?

Perhaps you associate cottages mainly with the craft of spinning, particularly at a spinning wheel, rather than through the craft of tabloid journalism.

Do you know for certain whether you prefer your craft experiences to include social relations or solitude

How do you respond to tradition and politics through crafts, arts and anti-art?

What do you know about kraft paper and the process of its production?

What do you know about packets and labels and their disposal?

Are your craft practices associated with your religious and/or spiritual practices?

If you are a follower of Wicca beliefs, do you practice your craft(s) online as well as offline?

There are several Wicca-pedias online.

You may sometimes associate cottages and crafts with witchcraft even if you are not a follower of Wicca beliefs.

Perhaps you are looking for a suitable gingerbread recipe with which to build your own Frugality Cottage. 

Have you tried the really royal one?

Have you tried the really historical one?

Have you tried the really American version?

Perhaps you prefer gingerbread cake.

Or your own vegan recipes.

Where does your imagination wish to take you next?