
All the official volunteering opportunities in Frugality Cottage are exclusively available to appropriately registered, appropriately trained patrons.

Like the patronage process itself, all volunteering here is self-initiated, self-directed and self-funded.

You may have already acquainted yourself with a few themes of the educational workshops associated with Frugality Cottage.

There are usually several important projects and other initiatives happening in, and from here, too.

Quite a few informative digital events are associated with the projects.  They are exclusively available for suitably registered patrons to access.

If such possibilities seems pleasantly reasonable to you, how will you express your initiative, and when?

And how will you pay for the associated supervisory and assessment processes associated with your patronage and volunteering practices?

Please make your way to the library here soon if you wish to acquire all the initial information you will require in order to express your initiative appropriately.