Monday 29 November 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 48

Are you well acquainted with authentic Adelaide?

Do you authentically uphold the public interest, in any part of the world?

Have you frequently conducted authentic investigations to uncover societal truth?

Do you genuinely enjoy storytime in the virtual library here?

Unless you are one of the registered patrons here, you may soon be unable to visit the library.

How can you prove you have been genuinely investing in simple living over the past few years?

What have been your most authentic experiences of investing in magnificent maturity?

The patrons genuinely hope you will virtually join them in the digital garden and in the relatively exclusive areas of the cottage quite soon.


Where have you presented your versions of earlier episodes in this series?

How have you assessed the characteristics of your audience?

And which industries did you encounter during the pre-production, production and post-production experiences?

How have you assessed industries in relation to authentic living?


In which format(s) are your episodes in this series presented, and why?

How have you developed the narrative of each episode in relation to the given themes?

How educational is each episode, and for whom?


If you have been providing an episode in this series each week for your audience, how long has each experience been, on average, and why?

How carefully have you considered privacy in each episode?

How carefully have you reflected on privacy in the private sphere, privacy in the public sphere, and privacy during community experiences?

How carefully have you incorporated the themes of the investment notes into each episode, as appropriate?

Monday 22 November 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 47

Do you associate authentic living with a bohemian existence or a peasant existence or an indigenous existence or another type of existence?

Do you associate authentic living with political pleasantness?

Do you associate authentic living with public interest journalism?

You may associate cottages with peasants.

What do you know about the history of peasant foods?

Perhaps you are interested in learning more about the cottage and cookery.



How have you been thinking about food in relation to authenticity?

How have you been thinking about character in relation to authenticity?



Perhaps you associate cottages with witches.

What do you know about authenticity in relation to witchcraft, statecraft and other crafts


What have you discovered about intelligent frugality and liminality in relation to authenticity?


What do you know about deities in relation to authenticity and liminality?

What do you know about liminal deities in various past and present cultures?

Monday 15 November 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 46

Do you associate living authentically with a storybook sort of life in a quaint and peaceful cottage, far away from the problems of the world?

Perhaps your idea of living authentically is entirely different from that scenario.

Perhaps you want to confront the world's problems directly.

Have you been reading the notes in the library here?

Monday 8 November 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 45

As you have now reached episode 45 in this series, perhaps you are ready to give clear, honest answers to a few more questions.

For example, is your idea of authentic living quite dramatic or more like light entertainment or is it serious yet undramatic or is it simply peaceful and gentle without much triviality, drama or heavy seriousness?

Is much of your focus local or do you prefer a more global outlook?

Perhaps you are mostly interested in food and kitchens and cooking. 

Perhaps you especially enjoy growing food, or foraging for it.


You may be interested in learning more about the cottage and cookery.



But does your expression of authenticity ever reflect controversy?

How do you think about authenticity in relation to your dietary habits?

Perhaps you do not make the time to cook good food.

Perhaps you have other interests.




Monday 1 November 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 44

How do you know your ideas about authenticity match reality adequately?

What have you discovered about the relationship between the cottage and peace in terms of reality?

What have you been learning about the cottage and simplicity in terms of authenticity?

You may think about this virtual cottage in various ways, possibly with the assistance of the guide.

How do you usually make comparisons to help you decide on the person you are meant to be?

How have you gathered knowledge and other resources to help you understand possibilities in relation to an Australian idyll or any other idyllic way of life?



While thousands, and possibly millions, of people allow strangers to observe accurate and/or inaccurate images of their private lives through screens, sensible people do not. 

There is a considerable difference between living privately and sharing knowledge and skills through community practices.

Community is a liminal experience between the public and the private.



How do you select the activities to share in privacy, in community and publicly?

What are the activities you will to experience virtually, vicariously or in other ways here? 


A life observed through a screen is not a real life.  It is an edited performance, no matter how real it may seem.  It is merely a fragment of a life, and possibly a work of fiction.