Monday 18 October 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 42

Authenticity is most healthily expressed through interpersonal compatibility.

Differing personalities are often incompatible in their expectations of situations, and in their appreciation of peace.

If you do not seek more peace in your life, why not?

If you do not help other people to find more peace in their lives, why not?

Perhaps you express your authentic self easier online than in other contexts.

What have you been learning about the cottage and peace in your explorations here?

Are you sure you have a peaceful investment strategy?

Truly useful cultural capital does not require much economic capital or social capital or even talent.  It requires the determination to identify, develop and maintain an authentic identity, respectfully and responsibly.

How, then, is your acquired cultural capital consistent with your personality, your personal needs, and your preferred cultural identity

What do you know about personality psychology?