Monday 11 October 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 41

Perhaps you would prefer to regard authenticity as being similar to the rediscovery and recovery a long-lost landscape and even a long-lost landscape garden.

Perhaps you would prefer to regard authenticity as a restored and restorative dwelling place. 

If you are mainly seeking to satisfy your curiosity at present, how will you know when it has been satisfied?

How do you tell whether any investment, investor, patronage or patron is genuinely devoted towards a worthy cause or not?

How do you try to ascertain whether investors and/or patrons are hypocrites?

Who is a good investor and who is not, in your view, and how do you know?

Perhaps you associate abundance with wastefulness and extravagance.

How can you be sure you are not wasting your time here?

How do you usually express your authenticity if not through your patronage experiences, whether as a supplier of patronage or as a recipient?

Do you usually take information at face value or do you seek evidence?

Perhaps you are usually too busy to seek evidence.

Perhaps you often fail to assess whether evidence is authentic or not.

What do you currently know about necessary journeys and unnecessary ones, and how do you know it?

What do you currently know about necessary expenditure and unnecessary purchases, and how did you acquire that knowledge?

Do you think there is ever any point in investing in the past? 

Why do you do so little to support economic systems based on intelligent frugality instead of greed?

How do you know your investments in fun do not encourage and possibly even exacerbate corruption?

Do you have a relatively high standard of living?

If so, how was it acquired?

Regardless of your standard of living, how are you currently investing in appropriately high standards?

How well are you investing in quality of life, and how do you know?

How often do you think about the relationship between knowledge and quality of life?

What is wonderful about you, really and truly, and who is qualified to verify that claim?  

How do you usually explore imaginations, including your own?  

How do you usually explore motivations, including your own?

What has motivated you to experience this episode of Authentic Living?

How do you know you have been truly wonderful and kind on a daily basis over the past few months?

What do you believe to be appropriate cultural practices, and how do you promote and protect them?

How do you prevent inappropriate cultural practices? 

What do you produce, and why, and when?

What do you know about childhood development in humans?

How do you reflect upon your own development as a person?

How do you distinguish between development and decline, if at all?  

How do you distinguish between the development and decline of people, places, purposes and possibilities?

Any permanent or semi-permanent dwelling, other than a cave or rock shelter, is probably unsuitable for a well-informed life on the move from one food source to another.

Building and maintaining a permanent or semi-permanent dwelling would probably be a waste of time and other resources when local food and/or water supplies are absent. 

How do you usually try to understand people's needs and wants, including your own?  

How do you assess the quality of your ongoing investments in relation to heritage, in both its natural and cultural varieties? 

How do you know whether you can afford to pay a premium price for a premium product or high quality experience?

How do you know when a place is special?

How do you know when a resources is valuable?

How do you know when an opportunity is wonderful?

How do you examine moral values in relation to economic values?

Where and how do you usually learn about value, and from whom?

What do you value, and why?

Who do you value, and how? 

Perhaps you do not reflect upon such questions particularly deeply, even when thinking about the meaning of authentic living.

What do you already know about your authentic expressions of wisdom, and how did you gain that knowledge?

How consistent or otherwise are your expressions of wisdom?

How carefully do you define the meaning of free products, free services, free access and free societies?

How carefully do you assess the intentions of the suppliers of free access to a place, a resource and/or an opportunity?
Whenever you are overly excited or overly anxious, you are unlikely to have the ability to express wisdom.
Whenever you are overly tired or overly depressed, you are unlikely to have the energy to express wisdom.
Indeed, adequate calmness and adequate rest are necessary before the expression of wisdom can occur.

When feeling unwell, adequate calmness and rest are absolutely necessary for a relatively natural recovery, along with suitable nutrition and well-informed kindness.

How do you invest in natural certainties?
How do you invest in cultural certainties?

How have you invested in certainty at various times in your life?

How will you make decisions in relation to achieving future access here?

Perhaps you do not value access to this location highly enough.

How authentic is your approach to caution?

How authentic are your expressions of respect?

How authentic is your approach to money?

When do you know that claims of economic conservatism are inauthentic?

When do you know that claims of economic conservatism are cruel?

How do you prefer to seek help in answering your questions?

How do you identify unkind people and other nuisances and seek to exclude them from your life as reasonably as possible?

How do you identify the wonderful in people and seek to include those individuals in your experiences of life as reasonably as possible?