Monday 30 August 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 35

Have you been thinking much about whether your idea of authentic living is associated with Enlightenment or Romanticism?

Perhaps you are hoping to experience a romantic fling through your experiences in Frugality Cottage quite soon.

Do you usually associate authenticity with strong, mutual attraction of one sort or another or another?

Perhaps you associate authenticity with non-mutual attraction.

Perhaps you are here mainly as a virtual tourist.

If so, what draws you to Frugality Cottage as an attraction?

How do you ascertain your interest in a place or person or practice or possibility?

How do you assess attractiveness or cuteness or quaintness from your own point of view?


How do you prefer to communicate your authentic feelings?

When have you most feared doing so, and why?

Perhaps you feel as though you can only express your authentic feelings when under the influence of an intoxicant of some sort.

Perhaps that is an indication of your fear of the real you as well as your fear of honesty, and the world.

Yet intoxicants cannot provide sensitivity, and all authentic living, if it is to be lived well, is adequately sensitive.

Do you usually associate authenticity with cultural and/or geographical origins?

How do you think about authentic living in relation to investing in simple living

When have you realised that a wonderful opportunity has passed you by?

What do you know about authentic dignity?

What do you know about authentic persuasion?

What do you know about authentic frugality?

What do you know about authentic simplicity?

You may have noticed that the word "you" forms the first three letters of the words "young" and "youth".

Regardless of your current age and reputation, how authentically are you investing in magnificent maturity?

How do you know you are authentically and magnificently mature?

Do you associate that maturity with intelligent frugality and well-informed kindness?

Every risk is associated with potential problems.

Please be aware that irresponsible risk takers and other selfish persons are not welcome here.

Are you dangerously yet pleasurably excited by risks?

Do your expressions of authenticity ever cause harm to anyone or anything? 

Preventing harm is obviously a responsible sort of practice.

How authentically are you investing in trustworthy collaborations, and for what purpose?

How authentically do you prevent harm?

Do you ever associate authenticity with expressing your mind without considering the consequences?

Do you ever associate authenticity with acting in accordance with your own free will, without considering the consequences?

Do you ever associate authenticity with impulsivity?

Do you associate authenticity with indulging your appetites whenever and wherever they arise?

How trustworthy are the people you consider to be family members and/or friends and/or colleagues? 

Who do you consider to be trustworthy, and why?

How do you define usefulness in relation to trustworthiness?  
Do you start a new episode or chapter of your life each week or do you consider the shape of your social and creative existence in a different form or format?

How do you usually think about fortune in relation to life itself?

How do you usually think about fortune in relation to authenticity?

How do you usually think about your social life in relation to fortune and authenticity?

How do you usually think about your creative live in relation to fortune and authenticity?

What do you believe investing in peacefully authentic living means in practice?

Do you find it easier to be yourself in private or in public or in a particular social or community setting?

Do you usually associate privacy with solitude?

The authentic you, as the selfish you, is reflected in your ego.

The authentic you, as the well informed, kind and considerate you, is reflected in your soul.

What is good about you, and how do you know?

What is not good about you, and how do you know?

How easy or difficult is it for you to be yourself?

How easy or difficult is it for you to experience privacy?

Perhaps you associate virtue with self-denial rather than self-expression

What, to you, is virtuously authentic living?

How do you experience authentic living in relation to nature?

How do you experience authentic living in relation to culture?

How do you, in fact, invest in authentic living?