Monday 23 August 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 34

If you have been interpreting each episode of this series as though it represents one year of your life from the very beginning, how did you spend your childhood up to the beginning of adolescence?



How do you usually think about beginnings?

As you are apparently still alive and generally well enough and capable enough to read these words, though not necessarily accurately, how do you usually think about childhood as an investment?

If you rarely invest time in thinking about your own childhood, why not?

Perhaps you cannot remember much about the very young you.

Who, then, holds the memories of your childhood, and why do they do so?

What have they collected as souvenirs of that time in your life, and why?

Whose perceptions of your childhood have shaped the person you have become, and why?

How old are you now?

Perhaps you are not yet thirty-four years of age.

What were the greatest achievements of the first twelve years of your life, and from whose point of view?

And how did you change through the early years of adolescence?



Who consistently invested in you during the first fifteen years of your life, and why did they do so?

If no-one consistently invested in you, who did so over a relatively brief time or perhaps occasionally?

If you feel as though no-one invested in you at all during your first fifteen years, why do you feel that way?

How do you define the meaning of personal and interpersonal investments?

Regardless of your current age, how well have you invested in reflecting carefully on the first fifteen investment notes, carefully composed and presented by The Author for your philanthropic benefit in the library here?


How old were you when the first note was written?

Who is the real you at present?

You may or may not be aware that all real investments are didactic experiences.

The notes to you in the library are not necessarily in the belles-lettres category of literature though they are certainly noteworthy as works of art.

What have you been learning through your investments, particularly your investments of time?

What have been the most important lessons you have learned over your lifetime, and at what ages?

What have you discovered about politics in relation to investing, and at what ages did you make those discoveries?

Perhaps you regard politics as one of the decorative arts rather than as a science.

Perhaps you consider it rather ridiculous to regard politics as either decorative or scientific.

Perhaps you have a utilitarian approach to politics and investments, and possibly even towards life itself.

Or perhaps you mainly follow fashions without thinking particularly deeply about why you do so.

Perhaps you have not even read the guidebook here.


 What will you be reading before the next episode in this series, and why?