Monday 27 September 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 39

In this series, you have been invited to answer many important questions with honesty and sensitivity.

Perhaps your authentic self is not particularly honest.

Perhaps your authentic self is not particularly sensitive.

Who sets the time limits associated with your activities, and why?

Why do some people feel rejected by society?

Perhaps you do not spend much time thinking about such questions.

How do you decide whether expressions of fun are appropriate or not?

Are you sure you know the difference between well-informed kindness and predatory activities? 

What do you value?

What are you seeking to change?

What are you seeking to protect and conserve and restore?

How do you intend to change the situations you are hoping to change?

How do you think about patterns of conservation in relation to patterns of consumption?

What do you feel it is your duty to conserve, and why?

How do you think about freedom in relation to such matters?

How do you respond when you perceive wastefulness?

Corruption causes cruelty.

A dead world is a cruel world.

Corruption kills.

What do you know about corruption in relation to conservation and its absence?

How do you know you are not investing in corruption?

How do you know you are investing in conservation as reasonably as possible? 

Do you usually associate consequentialism with corruption and/or conservation?

How much of your own decision-making has been consequentialist over the past twenty years, and how do you know?

Addressing ignorance helps to prevent the four biggest dangers in the world, namely infection, contamination, pollution and corruption.

Those four dangers are often related.

Solving a problem at its source is always necessary.

Ignorance is the first problem to solve.  When people become aware of their ignorance, they also tend to become aware of their arrogance. 

Arrogant people are always the most ignorant of all.  They are particularly ignorant of the causes and consequences of suffering.

What do you believe to be an authentically good business?

You may already know that good business practices are always associated with mutually beneficial pleasantness of the non-corrupt variety.

Mutually beneficial pleasantness is an end in itself.  It benefits everyone except the corrupt and otherwise cruel.

Helping a culture of well-informed kindness to arise must begin by counteracting destructive cultural influences as appropriately as possible.  

How do you tell the difference between real freedom and fake freedom?

How do you tell the difference between real security and fake security?

How do you tell the difference between real certainty and fake certainty?

What have been your experiences in relation to homesteading, smallholdings and crofts?