Monday 28 June 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 26

You may be wondering whether these episodes are available anywhere in video form.

Perhaps you are wondering whether you are permitted to produce videos on the themes of each episode.

Most videos are contrived, even when they claim to present authenticity. 

But you may wish to prove otherwise.

In relation to this episode, for example, you may wish to present something about the cottage and politics, and/or about your current dwelling and politics, and how your authenticity is influenced by political circumstances.

You may want to provide a comparison between your own expressions of authentic living and the meaning of an Australian idyll.

You may contrast the idyllic with the worlds of politics and war and commerce.

But how are your expressions of authenticity affected by war and commerce?

You may associate the idyllic with diversions from the stresses and strains of modern and/or political life.

You may even view the idyllic as a diversion away from facing up to the reality of attempting to live more in harmony with nature. 

Perhaps you associate authentic living with a realistic view of nature, or not as the case may be.

Monday 21 June 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 25

What do you know about the key to Frugality Cottage?

What do you know about the door to Frugality Cottage? 

Perhaps you mostly associate cottages with mass-produced kitsch or remnants of folk art or old-fashioned crafts.

What does the word 'industry' mean to you?
What does the word 'kindness' mean to you?

You may or may not be aware that many people mistake kitsch for kindness.  

Kitsch is often a consumerist expression of fake kindness.  It exudes suffocating sentimentality, bypassing reasoning and political awareness, primarily in exchange for money.

The combination of kitsch and aggression has formed a considerable proportion of mass production, mass marketing, popular culture and political propaganda, particularly since 1956.

Did you notice the hinges at the entrance to Frugality Cottage?

Do you usually consider kindness to be a natural resource or a human invention? 

Monday 14 June 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 24

If you are living authentically, you have the ability to avoid unhealthy habits and overcome unreasonable social pressures.

Well-informed kindness is pleasantly consistent.  It is based the attainment of a deep understanding of its distinctiveness, and the associated courage.

Perhaps you are afraid that Frugality Cottage might be haunted.

Unenlightened persons are often superstitious and prejudiced.  They cling to the kitsch and the cute as sentimental emblems of the safe.

The sitting room in this virtual cottage continues to be used mainly for assessment purposes.

Perhaps you have already been assessed there.

Who, if anyone, currently has control of you, and how, and why?

Monday 7 June 2021

Authentic Living - Episode 23

In many industries, the people who design things have very little experience in using those things on a daily basis, especially for several hours each day.  This applies not only in relation to digital technologies but kitchen equipment and other utensils and tools.

It especially applies to the designs of interior spaces, and external spaces.
Claims of good design are often merely an approach to marketing rather than authenticity.
Yet many people are unaware of good design and its practical aspects in relation to the particular needs of particular people.

What do you know about universal design?

As you have chosen to spend at least a little time here in Frugality Cottage today, these few moments are likely to be a form of well-informed investing for you.

All well-informed investing expresses truly wonderful kindness.

The Cottage and Competence

The Cottage and Beliefs

The Cottage and Politics

The Cottage and Controversy
What have you already been learning in various parts of this intangible cottage?
Quality expressions of creativity are often supported by an absence of superfluous intrusions and other distractions.   

True kindness does not rely on marketing.  It is not associated with advertising.  It is altruistic.  It is private.  It is peaceful.

How do you usually think about kindness in relation to fashion?

How do you usually think about kindness in relation to artistic realism?

How do you usually think about kindness in relation to escapism?
How have you been investing in love?

How have you been investing in ethics and how do you compare those investments with your investments in love?

What is your approach to investing in security in relation to investing in life as authentically as possible?