Monday 30 November 2020

Refreshing Possibilities - Part One

Early every Monday morning, local time, for several months now, you have been invited to explore refreshing possibilities here in the entrance of Frugality Cottage.

In the middle of every Monday afternoon, local time, for several months now, you have been invited to invest in refreshing possibilities in the library here.

Where do you usually search for refreshing possibilities?

Monday 23 November 2020

More about the Cottage - Part Four

If you are not yet a patron of Frugality Cottage, you will soon be unable to enter the sitting room here.

Monday 16 November 2020

More about the Cottage - Part Three

You may, by now, be quite familiar with Frugality Cottage.

You will have become accustomed to this entrance.

You will have found your way to the sitting room.

You will be aware of the workshops and projects associated with the cottage.

You will know how to find the library and what to find there.

You may even have considered the patronage options most suitable for you here.

Monday 9 November 2020

More about the Cottage - Part Two

Although much effort is made by the volunteers to ensure Frugality Cottage remains suitably peaceful, visitors occasionally have the chance to experience a brief musical interlude here.

Please note that the next part in this series will begin at 7am, local time, next Monday morning.

Monday 2 November 2020

More about the Cottage - Part One

If you have now acquainted yourself sufficiently with the introductory information about Frugality Cottage, you may be ready to learn more about this virtual location.

You may also be keen to learn about the non-virtual community locations, facilities and activities soon likely to be associated with the cottage.

Only appropriately registered and adequately certified patrons within the virtual community are permitted to learn about the non-virtual projects.

Please assess your patronage today.